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What Sort Of Conditions Do You Treat?

I treat the individual rather than the condition. People come to see me for a variety of reasons. I listen to them, take their case history and ask them to lie on the couch. The actual therapy allows their body to do the talking as they relax while I listen with my hands. CST is not a prescriptive therapy; there is no one technique for one symptom. Each person is unique and their complaint needs to be addressed in a way that is unique to them.


In my practice I see people suffering with a wide variety of conditions for example:


Headache and migraine

TMJ, facial pain, dental malocclusion


Double Vision

Anxiety and panic attacks

Depression, insomnia and stress

Multiple Sclerosis

ME, chronic fatigue



Musculoskeletal problems


Parents bring their babies if they are suffering with colic, sleeping difficulties, teething problems or have had a ‘tricky birth’. I see children who have been diagnosed Autistic, have learning difficulties and behavioural problems. Some parents feel that it is simply calming and balancing for them.


I am always happy to discuss your particular case prior to making an appointment.

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